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3 Helpful Ways You Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

3 Helpful Ways You Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The world is constantly changing, and we’re learning more and more about how important it is to keep carbon emissions low. While the real burden rests with corporations, there are things that individuals can do to help address the problem. Read on to discover three helpful ways you can reduce your carbon footprint.

Electric Vehicle

If you have the means, switching to an electric vehicle is one of the biggest impacts an individual can have on global carbon emissions. Over time, car manufacturers will probably create fewer non-electric vehicles anyway, so you’ll simply be ahead of the curve!

Cars and trucks contribute to so much of the world’s carbon emissions, and an electric vehicle can bring down your carbon output in a big way.

Update Your Home Lighting

The more power your home uses, the larger your carbon footprint is. One of the biggest unnecessary energy drains for the average American household is incandescent lighting. Changing to LED or fluorescent lighting comes with a small initial investment cost but has big payoffs as far as emissions and energy savings go. Plus, incandescent bulbs go out long before LEDs, so you’ll need to purchase fewer lights throughout the years!

Switch to Solar Power

Solar power is the way of the future. It’s easy to make every day like Earth Day when you install solar panels on your home! We know what you’re thinking—aren’t solar panels expensive? While they do come with a sizeable price tag, most American households pay them off with the energy savings they bring.

When you consider the fact that you’re paying next to nothing for electricity over many years, it becomes clear how much value solar panels have! You’ll make your money back and then some.

Now that you know these three helpful ways to reduce your carbon footprint, you can take these small steps to make the world a better place. The planet needs everyone to pull their weight, so thank you for putting in the effort!

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