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What Are The Best Eco Friendly Gadgets For Your Home?

What Are The Best Eco Friendly Gadgets For Your Home?

Over the past few years, there has been a large public push to become more conscious about our impact on the environment. Green ideas and tools have been pushed as well as tips on how to live in a sustainable manner.

It’s up to all of us as individuals to do our part in minimising energy efficiency to be more environmentally friendly and reducing your footprint starts at home. So, what are some fancy gadgets that you can use at home to make your home more efficient and environmentally friendly?

LED Smart Bulbs

Traditional light bulbs aren’t very energy efficient, we’ve known this for a while and worked to produce more energy efficient bulbs over the years. But even bulbs that would be considered efficient 10 years ago are now seen as wasteful, as they end up generating more heat from your electricity than they do light!

Luckily, we have reached almost peak efficiency with LED bulbs, as LEDs use a lot less energy to generate light compared to all other types of bulbs, making them the most efficient type of bulb on the market. You can take this a step further with LED smart bulbs, which can be remotely controlled, put onto timers and turn themselves off automatically to ensure they’re only using electricity when thy’re needed!

Solar Powered Blinds


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