Renée Marino is a professional communication coach named by Yahoo Finance as one of the “Top 10 Communication Coaches to Follow in 2021!” She was the co-host of Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s “World Summit” and has spoken, performed and been interviewed on thousands of live and virtual stages, including Dean Graziosi’s podcast The Dean Graziosi Show. Her best-selling book, Becoming a Master Communicator, has just recently been launched and is endorsed by Bryan Adams, Dean Graziosi, Chazz Palminteri, Russell Brunson, Jenna Kutcher, Dhomonique Murphy and many more!
Renée helps people who want more confidence and success learn to communicate effectively to reach their dreams. She also uses her well-rounded experience of communicating through various mediums to train companies, organizations, schools, and universities in strengthening their communication skills.
Renée can be seen as the female lead, Mary Delgado, in the film “Jersey Boys,”directed by Clint Eastwood. She has been featured in’s “Ones to Watch,” Variety, and The Huffington Post, which stated: “The Broadway star — who is basically Tina Fey’s celebrity doppelganger — is a scene-stealer, spouting swears and put-downs with aplomb. ‘Jersey Boys’ pops whenever she’s onscreen.” Renée wrote and performed her solo show called, “I Am Me, Because of Three” which she sold out in both NYC and LA, and received incredible reviews.
Broadway credits: “Pretty Woman”-Ensemble/ Dance Captain/Assistant to the Choreographer, Rosalia in “West Side Story”, Mary Delgado in “Jersey Boys”, “Chaplin” and “Wonderland.” National tours: Cats”, “Disney’s High School Musical” and “Jersey Boys”. Television: Regina on Fox’s “Weird Loners,” and “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.”
As a coach, keynote speaker, and longtime performer, Renée Marino has inspired people worldwide with her energy, relatability, and authentic spirit.
Let’s find more about the journey from actress to author in her Q&A below!

Hello Renee! For those unfamiliar with you, tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
I am an Italian-American woman from Linden, New Jersey, a professional communication coach, speaker, and author of the best-selling book “Becoming a Master Communicator.” My previous career was as a professional actress on Broadway, in film/tv, and I can be seen as Mary Delgado-Frankie Valli’s wife in the film “Jersey Boys” directed by Clint Eastwood. I love people and am passionate about helping them become clear and effective communicators to live the life they desire.
Tell us about your new book and why you feel people will find it valuable?
My new book, “Becoming a Master Communicator” is an exciting and practical guidebook that transforms readers into confident, authentic communicators in their personal and professional lives. This powerful, value-packed resource teaches communicators to know when to utilize digital devices in their interactions and when to put the screens down to have a direct conversation. Everything starts with communication and when we learn to master this skill, we become Limitless!
What do most people get wrong about communicating?
They assume that the other person knows what they are thinking or feeling, without having an honest and verbal conversation. As the old saying goes, “When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me!”
How did being a performer/actress inform your career as a communication coach now?
Having the gift of being a performer where connecting with human beings is a priority allowed me to see and understand that we are all unique in how we communicate. As I explain in my book, we all have a “Communication Home” — the communication style that is most natural to us. By knowing what your home is, you can then develop other communication styles to become a more well-rounded communicator, and a well-rounded communicator is a master communicator.
How do you feel social media has affected communication, both good and bad?
Social media is a double-edged sword because it allows us to be more accessible to connect, yet it causes us to connect more virtually than in reality. In addition, social media can inspire us through positive pages and messages while also inviting us to move into “comparison mode” and judge ourselves against others’ perceived realities.
What are some of your top communication tips?
1. When you are out somewhere, put your smartphone away, and keep your head up and out seeing the world. Take notice of what’s around you, and if you notice something about someone that is positive-tell them. We never know the difference we can be making in another’s life.
2. If a conversation is important, do not have it through text or email. Pick up the phone, hop on a video call or meet in person.
3. Learn to be a “complete listener” by taking a full deep belly breath when someone else is speaking, ground yourself by feeling your feet on the ground or your butt in the chair, and refrain from thinking about what you’re going to say to respond. Simply listen, and let that person be heard.

Do you still pursue acting work, or is that in the back burner for now?
I am a performer in my soul always and forever, but I’m not actively pursuing it right now so I can focus on my other gifts of coaching, speaking and writing!
Not only did you act in Jersey Boys, but you are also a real-life Jersey girl from Linden! What are you most proud of your home state?
I am proud of the people. The hardworking, real, genuine people!
What’s been your most memorable moment in show biz?
Speaking up for myself in the audition room for the “Jersey Boys” film, and saying that I wanted to read for the role of “Mary Delgado.”
Best advice you have gotten so far in your career?
Always be yourself.
Who are your role models?
My father was one of the most incredible men to ever live. Gabrielle Bernstein, whose spiritual teachings always remind me to rely on a power higher than myself, and Mel Robbins, whose extreme authenticity reminds me to always lean into mine.
Long-term career goals?
To be the host of an uplifting, communication talk show, where we talk about the Power of Communication. It will be a cross between the “Ellen DeGeneres Show” and Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday!”
Biggest pet peeve?
Having to chase information.
Secret obsession?
Tell me something people would be surprised to know about you.
I am an extroverted-introvert. Even though I LOVE people, and LOVE being social, I also very much need my down-time to be alone and reflective.
What are you working on or have coming up next?
I have just recorded my Audio Book version of, “Becoming a Master Communicator,” so that will be available in the next few months!

“Becoming a Master Communicator” provides a guide for those looking to have clear and authentic communication in their relations with others by using technology as a tool – but not the only tool. The internet along with smartphones and computers make everyday communication incredibly convenient. However, when used as an individual’s sole source of connection, it can make one forget real human contact and interaction are incredibly vital, thus causing unnecessary misunderstandings.
Navigating through relationship difficulties isn’t as hard as it seems! The key to mastering our relationships is genuine connection, honesty, and listening.
Written by communication coach and former Hollywood and Broadway starlet Renée Marino, Becoming A Master Communicator: Balancing New School Technology with Ol’ School Simplicity merges the two means of human interaction and internet technology. Through personal stories and easily applicable practices, Renée Marino teaches readers how to become master communicators in personal and professional settings by knowing when to use technology and when to put the devices down to have a direct conversation. With Renée’s tips and tricks, you will be a master communicator in no time!
-Release Date: January 25, 2022
-Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
-ISBN-10: 1631956000
-ISBN-13: 978-1631956003
-Purchasing Details: Available in bookstores & Amazon
In this book, Renée Marino shares:
- Discovering your “Communication Home.”
- Establishing true self confidence, fulfilling relationships, and an extraordinary career.
- The Key to making genuine connections in your life and business.
- Becoming a powerful leader in your professional life.
- Taking hold of every opportunity that comes across your path.
- How to experience more joy, gratitude, and presence everyday. (Living in a higher vibration and attracting the people and opportunities you desire.)
- Saving time, energy, and stress by learning how to get right to the heart of a communication matter.
- Claiming who you want to be and the life you want to lead.
- How to navigate our changing communication environment.