Are you considering getting a credit card? Of course, you’d want a card with reasonable interest rates and a suitable credit limit. However, have you ever thought about the perks of credit cards? If this is your first card, you may not, but that’s why we’ve compiled a list of five important credit card perks you need to make your financial journey more enjoyable.
Cell Phone Coverage
Looking at the rewards is one of the best things you can do when choosing the right credit card for you. One of the best perks you should look for is a cell phone protection plan.
These benefits might include reimbursement for repairs or replacement if your cell phone experiences damage or someone steals it. Make sure you read the terms and conditions, as coverage limits and deductibles may apply.
Discounts With Retailers
Everyone loves getting a good deal, and with the right credit card, you can save big at your favorite retailers. Some cards come with pre-negotiated discounts at various stores or online platforms.
This perk can help you save on purchases you plan to make, such as clothes, electronics, or even food. So check your card’s website or app for a list of partner retailers.
Admission to Airport Lounges
Do you enjoy traveling? With certain credit cards, you could gain access to airport lounges worldwide. These fancy spaces typically come with comfortable seating, snacks, drinks, and sometimes even spa services. Airport lounges can turn your layover or flight delay into a much more pleasant experience, providing a quiet space to relax, work, or recharge.
Road Service
If you own a car, one of the most important credit card perks that you need is road service. This can be a lifesaver when you have trouble and need towing, a tire replacement, or a jump start. Keep your card’s customer service number handy just in case you find yourself stranded on the side of the road.
Car Rental Insurance
If you’re old enough to rent a car, you’ll feel pleased to know that some credit card issuers offer complimentary car rental insurance. This perk could save you from purchasing costly insurance at the rental agency. However, keep in mind that coverage varies between cards, so check your provider’s policy before relying on this benefit.
By considering these perks, you can decide which card is right for you. These perks can enhance your cardholder experience, so take advantage of them responsibly.